Speak for Change

Empowering Japan’s Future
with Your Wisdo


our mission
Change Japan’s future by connecting to the world

Now, Japan is facing a lot of problems like declining birthrate and aging population.
Our landscape is very different from what it was 30 years ago, and our economic situation is getting worse and worse.

Many Japanese business people would like to change such situations by learning from other countries.
Also, we believe it will lead to bright future each other by connecting together.

Our past works

Our services

Virtual events planning with global speakers
for BtoB companies in Japan

View How It Works

Business online consulting to Japanese companies
by global business leaders

Speakers who worked with us

Austin Bonner氏



Bruce Daisley氏


Celia Hodent氏



our past Works

Our Clients

Company Overview

CEO Kinuko Shimizu

COO Tomohiro Ikeda

Company Name : Top Runner Marketing, Ltd.

URL : https://toprunner-marketing.co.jp/en

Headquarter : 17-22, Moto-cho, Atsugi-city, Kanagawa, JAPAN

Established : November 4th, 2020

Paid-in Capital : 2,000,000 yen